Tuesday, 30 May 2017

4 Common Delayed Symptoms Following a Vehicular Accident

Not all accident injuries manifest symptoms immediately. Due to adrenaline rush, the aches and pains you might feel following an accident can be dulled out or masked. But do watch out for the following very common delayed accident injury symptoms so you can seek the right medical help and let Personal Injury Lawyers in Coquitlam know the extent of your injuries:
  1. Neck pain
Neck pain or whiplash can also be accompanied by arm and shoulder pain. This is a serious injury that causes pain that will last for a few weeks or months, depending on how severe it is. The symptoms can start showing after a few hours from the time of the accident but may also not manifest after a few months or years
  1. Headache
This can be a sign of a more dangerous injury such as blood clotting in the brain or even a delayed symptom of concussion.
  1. Loss of feeling
If you feel numbness in your hands and arms, this can be a hidden sign of whiplash injury. The root cause can be damaged nerves in your spinal column or neck.
  1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorders
Injuries are often not the physical kind. It can also be an emotional trauma as evident in PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which leads to having anxiety and difficulty in living a normal life.
Aside from getting medical help, consulting with personal injury lawyers in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors is also important in getting fair compensation for all your pain and suffering.