don’t file for ICBC claim on a daily basis. That said, a lot of
people feel at a loss when they already need to file for an insurance
claim after an injury or accident. Many people also tend to have
misconceptions when it comes to the filing process. Here are some of
those common misconceptions:
#1: ICBC is on my side, they will give me the full value of my claim.
claimants believe that ICBC will treat them fairly. But it is the
role of insurance adjusters to find ways to save money on the claim.
You will soon find out that they are not on your side and that they
represent everyone involved in the accident.
#2: If I give all necessary documents, my claim will be processed
without a hitch.
those police and medical reports will help build a strong case, often
times, ICBC will still find a way to save money by undermining the
extent or the seriousness of the injury. If you suffer from injuries
that are not readily seen in medical reports such as Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder or soft tissue injuries, you might also have a hard
time proving your injuries.
#3: It’s going to be a short process.
times, if it’s a big case, it’s going to be a long process of
negotiating back and forth.
is why you need the help of Personal
Injury Lawyers in Coquitlam
such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. Only with the help of
personal injury lawyers in Coquitlam will you be able to stand a
chance of negotiating better with the insurance company.
more details please visit our website: https://www.learnzenk.com/