Your insurance company just made a first offer. You are tempted to accept it because it’s the easiest route. You are tired of the process and you just want to get it over and done with. Is it really the best choice?
Often, people accept the first offer from their insurance company without thinking about the repercussions of their actions. Accepting that first offer means you can no longer make additional claims. If you are hasty and you accept the first offer, and you end up experiencing more symptoms of your injuries, you will no longer be able to accept more compensation.
If you have minor injuries, then accepting the first offer for your convenience might seem like the best choice. However, if you have more significant injuries and you predict that your life will never be the same again after acquiring these injuries, you definitely need to consult an injury lawyer in Coquitlam first.
Understand just how much you are entitled to. You could have losses that far exceed the first offer of the insurance company. A good injury lawyer in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors will let you know how much you should expect to receive. With bigger claims, you can get your insurance company to pay you four times their initial offer.
If you are tempted to settle but don’t know if this is the best course of action, consult a lawyer first. They will be able to know whether you are making the right decision.
To know more about Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors in Coquitlam please visit our website: