Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer In Coquitlam: What You Must Know

Besides receiving treatment, another important thing is making personal injury claims when you get injured in an accident. While you can always have the option to go for a court procedure, sometimes it can be beneficial to reach a fair solution after discussions with the person responsible for causing the accident. Whichever method you consider suitable, hiring a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam will always be beneficial. 

What claims can you make?

  • With an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side, you can get help in the following:
  • ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) claims
  • Pedestrian and cyclist injuries
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Motorcycle injuries

Frequently asked questions by clients

Below are some questions clients frequently ask law experts regarding personal injury claims.

How much can I get from my injury claim?

The amount you can receive from your injury claim will largely depend on the nature of the injuries, how much it has affected your ability to work, the extent of the injuries, and what expenses you had to bear. 

How can I afford a lawyer to deal with my injury claim?

Usually, when lawyers from top firms deal with such claims, they do so on a contingency fee basis. It means that unless you receive your compensation for the sustained injuries, the lawyers will not ask for their payment. 

What can happen if I become unable to work because of injuries?

If you become unable to work due to these injuries, you may receive various wage loss benefits.

Who can help you?

There is a firm that has been working for over 35 years. You may contact them for a free consultation before hiring a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam.

For  more details  about ICBC Claims in Coquitlam  please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Mental Health Tips After a Car Accident


A car accident can inflict mental injuries just as much as physical ones. In fact, even long after the wounds have healed, the mental injuries can linger and that can be even more detrimental to the life of the sufferers.

Take care of your mental health. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Find a support group.

Don’t bottle it all up. Know that you have people who are willing to support you if you reach out. Talk to your loved ones. Talking about the accident can be mentally freeing. Share the mental burdens and this will also make you easier to understand for them.

Today, there are also support groups that can help people who have gone through accidents. You can try joining these support groups.

2. Find a new hobby that will keep your mind occupied.

When you are not doing something productive, your mind will just keep on replacing the accident. This is why it’s important to look for a hobby. You can choose a new hobby that you have always been interested in.

3. Consider doing journaling.

Journaling helps you unburden your mind. You can also use this to keep track of your healing progress. You can try writing about your worries and fears. Writing them down can help you think clearer.

You deserve to be compensated for your invisible suffering. Get the help of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Coquitlam who will negotiate on your behalf. Look for an experienced personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors.

To know more about Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Monday, 25 October 2021

Is It Time to Get the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Are you dealing with a personal injury claim? Many people who have a personal injury claim don’t know where and how to get started. If this is what you are going through, you might want to consider getting the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam. 

Here are some of the times you should get the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam: 

1. If you are struggling to find evidence to support your claim.

Finding ample evidence to support your claim is imperative if you want to get as close to the value of your claim as possible. Prove that you deserve the compensation that you are expecting. But if you have a hard time obtaining evidence such as videos or witness testimony, you might want to get the help of a personal injury lawyer experienced in these cases. 

2. If you are having a hard time negotiating with your insurance company. 

Is your insurance company low-balling you? Are you not being given a fair offer even when you deserve it? Don’t accept their first offer just yet. Give yourself a chance to get the real value of your claim. 

3. If you have a high claim value. 

If you suffered from a lot of injuries, you could have a higher claim value. You might be entitled to long-term benefits as well. It’s best to get the help of a lawyer to ensure that you get what you deserve. 

These are just some of the instances when you might need the help of a lawyer. Make sure you go to a lawyer specializing in special injury cases such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. 

For  more details about ICBC lawyer in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Friday, 1 October 2021

3 Reasons to Retain the Services of a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you are dealing with a personal injury claim, it is to your advantage if you have a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam representing you. Here are the reasons why you should look for the best personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam to help you with your insurance claim: 

1. Your lawyer can steer you in the right direction.

Where should you start? What should you do when you are meeting up with the insurance adjusters? What are your rights? Can they just closely monitor you to ensure that you are as injured as you say you are? It might feel like you are alone in this battle. But when you have a lawyer representing you, you will know what to do. 

2. Your lawyer will know if you are being low-balled by your insurance company. 

Insurance companies are experts when it comes to negotiating claims. There is a chance the insurance company will give you a low offer. Many people fall prey to this and end up accepting the first offer. But once you do, you will not be able to negotiate further if you find that you suffer from even more injuries. 

3. Your lawyer can negotiate on your behalf. 

Your lawyer will help assess the value of your claim and if you are being given a very low offer, can help you negotiate. 

Make sure you hire experts in personal injury cases such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. This is to ensure that you will get as close to your claim’s value as possible. 

For more  details about   injury lawyers in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Are You Making These Personal Injury Claim Mistakes?

Mistakes in your personal injury claim process can lead to lower claims. Be wary of doing the following things when you are still in the process of filing for a personal injury claim: 

Mistake #1: Accepting the first offer. 

The first offer is always the lowest one. Your insurance company might pressure you into thinking that the first offer is the final offer. But keep in mind that there is still room for negotiations. With the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam, you will be able to get as close to the real value of your claim as possible. 

Mistake #2: Saying too much to your insurance adjuster. 

The insurance adjusters are not your friends. You are not there to be friends with them. This is why it’s important to understand that you have to maintain a formal relationship with the adjusters. Don’t say more than what you are asked because you could accidentally say something that will cause the adjusters to think that you are well and you don’t deserve the compensation you are expecting. 

Mistake #3: Showing your lifestyle on social media. 

You will be closely monitored by the insurance adjusters to ensure that you are truly as injured as you say you are. But if you post photos of yourself doing alright and performing everyday activities like you aren’t injured can hurt your claim. 

The best thing to do is to get the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. They can steer you in the right direction. 

For more details  about Injury lawyer Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Monday, 19 July 2021

Benefits Of Keeping a Personal Injury Journal

Most lawyers will recommend keeping a personal injury journal for their clients. A personal injury journal is just a book where you chronicle your day-to-day life and talk about your injuries. You can include details like the medications you took, the activities that you did, and your pain level. 

This can be an important tool when it comes to your personal injury insurance claim. Here are the benefits of having one: 

You can keep track of the work or school you missed. 

When going through recovery, everything can seem like a blur. You might easily forget the details of the accident including how many days of work you have already missed because of it. The journal can be a good reference. 

You can keep track of the treatments that you have gotten and how effective they were. 

It’s important to chronicle your treatments. This can serve as evidence that you have indeed gotten your treatment. You can include the date and time of the treatment, what transpired in that session and what the effects on your body were. 

It helps you avoid forgetting important information. 

ICBC will do a lot of things just to avoid paying their clients a lot of money. They can use certain lapses in your memory to their advantage. It’s good to have a journal so these strategies will not work. 

When it comes to your personal injury claim, make sure that you are represented by a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam. You can go to a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam experienced in these cases such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. 

For more details  about ICBC lawyer in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Why You Should Get a Lawyer For Your Personal Injury Claim

Do you really need a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam? The simple answer is no. You don’t need to retain the services of one just to submit an insurance claim. However, there are instances and situations when you are better off with the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam.

Your Insurance Company Is Low-Balling You

One of those instances is when your insurance company refuses to give you a higher amount even though you know you deserve more. Low-balling is a very common tactic used by insurance companies. Your personal injury lawyer can help you determine the real value of your claim and counteract the first offer with this.

Your Insurance Company Is Saying You Share the Blame

Your insurance company says you contributed to the accident or your injuries even though this isn’t true. You can hire a lawyer to help with the investigations.

You Are Not Getting the Medical Treatment That You Need

Insurance companies might delay providing medical support. For instance, if the claimant requires surgery and the surgery is expensive, they might not approve the claim right away and drag it for a long time. Your personal injury lawyer can shoulder the expenses at no additional costs to you and then just get back the money once you have received the offer from the insurance company.

When in doubt, consult a personal injury lawyer such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. You need to know how you stand in your personal injury claim and determine how much your claim is worth.

For  more details about ICBC lawyer in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Do You Need to Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away?

Most people have no idea how to get started with their personal injury claim. The best thing to do is to check ICBC’s website and see what their requirements are. Submit those requirements and make sure all important documents are there. If you have incomplete or insufficient documents, this can delay the progress of your claim.

One of the things that claimants wonder is whether or not they should consult a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam right away. If you have a simple claim, you will most likely go through the process of getting a claim with no issues. However, for bigger claims, it’s better to consult a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam.

Getting the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam is important to ensure that you get as close to the value of your claim as possible. Insurance companies might use their tactics to avoid paying a large amount of money. For instance, if you need an expensive surgery, they might try to delay the process. As a result, you might have to wait for a long time just to get surgery.

Another tactic that they use is low-balling. They make a very low offer and then delay the process so that they can avoid spending a lot of money.

A law firm such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors can recognize these low-balling strategies and help you counteract their offer. They can help with the negotiations so that you will get the amount that you deserve.

For more details  about Coquitlam personal injury lawyers please visit our website: learnzenk.com


Thursday, 1 April 2021

3 Things You Can Do to Prevent Bike Accidents at Night

More and more people are using their bikes to commute to work. It’s a good idea to use your bike during the daytime to squeeze in more exercise but at night, you would want to take extra precautionary measures to avoid getting in an accident.

Bike riders might not be easily seen at night, which is why you should be extra careful. Here are some of the things that you can do to prevent accidents from happening at night:

1.   Make sure you are as visible as possible.

Always bring your reflective clothing and bring them with you so you can wear them when going home at night. Make sure your bike is also equipped with an illuminating system.

2.   Plan your route.

Take the shortest route if you can to avoid staying too long on the road. Make sure you know which roads are safer and which ones tend to be more congested.

3.   Be a defensive rider.

Be hyper-alert and always take the defensive route. Always watch out for other riders and make sure you are always in their field of vision. Keep in mind that drivers might not easily see you if you are trailing from behind or you are riding beside them.

If you got into a road accident while riding your bike, you should know that you can get help from ICBC. get the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam who will represent you and ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.

For more details  about Coquitlam personal injury lawyers please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Friday, 19 March 2021

How Long Will My Personal Injury Claim Take to Settle?

A personal injury claim doesn’t take overnight to settle. Usually, the average claim takes 4-9 months to settle. However, there are many other things involved in the process that could delay the settlement.

In general, the more significant the claim is, the more difficult it is to settle. There could be some negotiations back and forth between the claimant and the insurance company. Insurance companies also tend to do a low-balling tactic where they drag it out to encourage claimants to accept their first offer.

It’s not always the same for everyone. Some cases might take just a few months to settle while there are many others that can drag on for years. It also depends on how hard it is to settle the extent of the injuries. For instance, if some of the injuries are difficult to measure and can’t be seen through diagnostic tests, there could be a lot of negotiations first before a settlement is made.

Through all this, you might find it stressful to manage your claims. But this is where you need a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam.

The role of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors is not just to help you get a maximum value of your claim but also to help you with the negotiation process. That way, you don’t have to go through all that stress and spend a lot of time talking to your insurance company. While waiting for your settlement, you can just focus on your recovery.

To know more about Coquitlam Icbc Lawyer please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Monday, 22 February 2021

Finding the Right Personal Injury Lawyer – 3 Tips You Should Keep in Mind

When you are dealing with a personal injury claim, it’s better to have a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam representing you. ICBC can use tactics that can prevent you from getting the most value from your claim. This is why you need the help of a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam who will negotiate on your behalf. 


Here are the things that you should keep in mind when choosing a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam: 


1. Choose a lawyer that specializes in personal injury cases


There are a lot of lawyers out there offering their personal injury services. But it’s better to go to a lawyer that specializes in these cases so you can get services that are also specific to this type of case. They are more experienced in handling personal injury cases and thus, they are better able to help you with your claims and lawsuits. 


2. Check their credentials and track record


How long have they been representing people in personal injury cases? Learn more about their experiences and find out how many cases they have won. 


3. Make sure you get along just fine


You also need to have a good rapport with the lawyer. Make sure that the lawyer cares about you and listens to what you have to say. That’s how you will know that you will be taken care of. 


Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors can help you in getting the maximum value of your claim so that you can recover your losses. They can help reduce the stress of filing for a claim. 


To know more About injury Lawyer in Coquitlam  please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Why You Should Have A Personal Injury Lawyer When Negotiating With Icbc

Negotiating with ICBC is a long and intimidating process. There’s a lot of going back and forth trying to get them to make a better offer. But ICBC is experienced in this negotiating game while most claimants are not. You are at a disadvantage if you are negotiating with them alone. 

This is why it is advisable for claimants, especially those with significant claims to hire a personal injury lawyer Coquitlam. Here are the benefits that you can get if you work with a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam:

1. You can get expert advice when it comes to dealing with your insurance company. 

Many people go into the process of filing their claims without really knowing what to expect and what to do. As a result, they end up making mistakes that can delay their claims process. You can avoid that if there are legal professionals helping you every step of the way. 

2. You can negotiate better. 

It’s easy to be intimidated when you are facing professional adjusters. This is their job. It’s the only thing they do, so they are experts at it. You should level the playing field by getting the help of personal injury lawyers like Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors. 

3. Lawyers know if you are being low-balled. 

It’s a very common tactic used by insurance companies. Lawyers can help you determine whether you are being given an unfair offer and help you negotiate the amount so you can get closer to the amount you are expecting. 

Hire an experienced injury lawyer if you want a better chance of getting the true value of your claim. 

For more  details about Personal injury lawyers in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com