Most lawyers will recommend keeping a personal injury journal for their clients. A personal injury journal is just a book where you chronicle your day-to-day life and talk about your injuries. You can include details like the medications you took, the activities that you did, and your pain level.
This can be an important tool when it comes to your personal injury insurance claim. Here are the benefits of having one:
You can keep track of the work or school you missed.
When going through recovery, everything can seem like a blur. You might easily forget the details of the accident including how many days of work you have already missed because of it. The journal can be a good reference.
You can keep track of the treatments that you have gotten and how effective they were.
It’s important to chronicle your treatments. This can serve as evidence that you have indeed gotten your treatment. You can include the date and time of the treatment, what transpired in that session and what the effects on your body were.
It helps you avoid forgetting important information.
ICBC will do a lot of things just to avoid paying their clients a lot of money. They can use certain lapses in your memory to their advantage. It’s good to have a journal so these strategies will not work.
When it comes to your personal injury claim, make sure that you are represented by a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam. You can go to a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam experienced in these cases such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors.
For more details about ICBC lawyer in Coquitlam please visit our website: