Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer In Coquitlam: What You Must Know

Besides receiving treatment, another important thing is making personal injury claims when you get injured in an accident. While you can always have the option to go for a court procedure, sometimes it can be beneficial to reach a fair solution after discussions with the person responsible for causing the accident. Whichever method you consider suitable, hiring a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam will always be beneficial. 

What claims can you make?

  • With an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side, you can get help in the following:
  • ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) claims
  • Pedestrian and cyclist injuries
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Motorcycle injuries

Frequently asked questions by clients

Below are some questions clients frequently ask law experts regarding personal injury claims.

How much can I get from my injury claim?

The amount you can receive from your injury claim will largely depend on the nature of the injuries, how much it has affected your ability to work, the extent of the injuries, and what expenses you had to bear. 

How can I afford a lawyer to deal with my injury claim?

Usually, when lawyers from top firms deal with such claims, they do so on a contingency fee basis. It means that unless you receive your compensation for the sustained injuries, the lawyers will not ask for their payment. 

What can happen if I become unable to work because of injuries?

If you become unable to work due to these injuries, you may receive various wage loss benefits.

Who can help you?

There is a firm that has been working for over 35 years. You may contact them for a free consultation before hiring a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam.

For  more details  about ICBC Claims in Coquitlam  please visit our website: learnzenk.com

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Mental Health Tips After a Car Accident


A car accident can inflict mental injuries just as much as physical ones. In fact, even long after the wounds have healed, the mental injuries can linger and that can be even more detrimental to the life of the sufferers.

Take care of your mental health. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Find a support group.

Don’t bottle it all up. Know that you have people who are willing to support you if you reach out. Talk to your loved ones. Talking about the accident can be mentally freeing. Share the mental burdens and this will also make you easier to understand for them.

Today, there are also support groups that can help people who have gone through accidents. You can try joining these support groups.

2. Find a new hobby that will keep your mind occupied.

When you are not doing something productive, your mind will just keep on replacing the accident. This is why it’s important to look for a hobby. You can choose a new hobby that you have always been interested in.

3. Consider doing journaling.

Journaling helps you unburden your mind. You can also use this to keep track of your healing progress. You can try writing about your worries and fears. Writing them down can help you think clearer.

You deserve to be compensated for your invisible suffering. Get the help of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Coquitlam who will negotiate on your behalf. Look for an experienced personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam such as Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors.

To know more about Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors please visit our website: learnzenk.com