people get in a slip or fall accident every year. It can be hard to
determine who is at fault during these cases so you need to retain
the services of personal injury lawyers in Coquitlam in order to help
gather evidences to support your claim.
are the steps in providing who is at fault in a slip or fall
Determining the liability
of the property owner.
you have been injured in someone else’s property, determining the
liability of the owner is the first step. You need to determine
whether the property has caused the accident due to problems such as
slippery surfaces, weak foundations, leaks in roof or similar
instances. You also need to determine how long these problems have
been there and if the owner did anything to them. Also acquire proof
that the owner knew about these dangerous problems and did nothing to
correct them.
Proving that there is
property owners have their own responsibilities in tending or taking
care of their property. That means examining the property regularly
and conducting maintenance steps to ensure that the property does not
cause injuries. If there are things like potholes, broken pavement or
slippery surfaces, find out if there are warnings or protective
barriers intended to warn the public.
Determine your contribution
to the accident.
is such a thing called “comparative negligence” in which the
injured person has contributed to the accident due to his or her own
negligence. Prove that you have sufficient reason to be in the
property. You would also want to prove that the dangerous spot is
difficult to avoid or to see under normal circumstances. Also prove
that you weren’t doing anything to distract you from seeing the
dangerous spot.
recovering from injuries, your personal
injury lawyer in Coquitlam
can help prepare the necessary documents in filing for a claim. A
personal injury law firm such as Learn Zenk is experienced in these

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